Sunday, August 3, 2008

Script from 2007

Yes, I'm just posting some old stuff right now, because I need to be able to find this stuff in the near future if I lose my data again, and I'm lucky I posted part of the script on Syboard before my PC contracted a virus. Here's the summary...
Kingdom of Alexia is a love story based in a time when three kingdoms are at war. The three kingdoms are Aida, Alexia, and Frieda. In chapter one, Aida's queen catches her younger sister with King Alaric's son, Lucius. Abrienda is introduced as a princess who really doesn't like being a princess.
Obviously, it wraps up the first chapter, but I'm thinking of editing this summary down to not give away any details at all... and still sound interesting, of course.

I must also post the script for chapter one, but I'll separate it into scenes for easier reading...

Chapter One: Trouble Adjusting
Alexia Scene 1:
Abrienda wakes up, gets her special suit on, and exits her bedroom. Her father, Adelio, is waiting outside her door with a smile on his face and a formal dress hanging from his hands. Abrienda says "Forget it, Dad," and slams the door in Adelio's face. "Abrienda..." Abrienda can hear her father through her door and mutters "How many times do I have to say it? Call me Abby," as she ties her hair into a ponytail and does a backflip somersault out her open window and lands on a street light far below her bedroom window. She hangs from the top of the street light, swinging as she loses speed. She continues swinging and launches herself back into the air to flip backward and land on the ground. She immediately checks her hair and calmly walks forward.
Keep in mind that this story is subject to change. I may completely change this introduction to Abrienda. I have not decided.

Aida scene 1:
Queen Adora is looking out her large window, observing her kingdom's population with a blank expression on her face. In the nearby marketplace, her sister, Emma, is meeting with her love interest. "What is it, Luke?" Luke replies, "I wanted to tell you in person... I've been invited to Alexia to study under Draco himself!"
Aida is the place full of criminals and whorehouses. Obviously, it's a bit of a rough place to live, so it's odd to have a love story be introduced here.
Alexia scene 2:
King Adelio walks out the front doors of his castle to meet with a large mass of the Alexia population. A man with a pen and parchment jumps in front of Adelio and asks "My king! Please! One question?" "Sure. Go ahead."

"When will your daughter be getting married?"
"We will discuss that at the formal dinner, okay?" Adelio pats the man on the back and walks through the crowd to his trusted bodyguard by the courtyard entrance. His bodyguard guides him away from the crowd but not before the interviewer shouts, "You can't hide from the press, King!"

Abrienda is now in the local bar with the old perverts of the Alexia kingdom, drinking like crazy. "'Nother shot, please!"
The man on her left says "I give up. I don't want you any more," and falls backwards, off his stool and onto the floor. The bartender sits another shot glass down in front of Abby and she says "I guess it's just two of us now!"
The man on her right then falls to his right and starts moaning and groaning about the pain, "Oooh, the paaiiin."
"Aw! Come on! We haven't even made it to round sixty seven yet!" The man on her right explains, "You're crazy, lady!"
This scene may seem pointless, but I like it, because it gives you a glimpse at how "the press" acts in this medieval fantasy world. However, what I don't give away here is what "the press" really means to these people. If you must know, "the press" is a guild of assassins who attempt to control what the world does so they can report about it before anyone else and even predict... the future.

That's all of chapter one. I'm hoping anyone who reads this will comment about it. I'm going to start working on some comic drawings for KoA to plan out the cities and the layout of the land, but I have to come up with some ideas for Freida, the third kingdom, for chapter two.

KoA Script - Years Ago

I will just quote a small portion of the not-so-scripted script I uploaded to SheezyArt back in 2006:

Azura, the Blue Wanderer
A legend Queen Adelle told to her daughter, Abrienda:
Azura was a beautiful, young girl known all around the kingdom to be kind and sweet. She lived in a small cottage only a couple miles from the kingdom's walls with her mother. She came into the kingdom to sell her food and trade goods for clothing and tools. She and her mother were very poor, but they never complained about it. They always seemed so happy... until, one day, a prince came to her cottage seeking shelter from a storm. They let him stay, and he ended up sleeping there. The king and queen, worried about their missing son, sent out a search party. Some old man claimed he saw the prince being forced into a cottage about a mile or two away from the kingdom. The king was shocked and angry at the same time. He ordered the man to lead his royal guard to retrieve the prince. The old man led the soldiers into a cavern to escape from a storm. After the storm, they all headed to the cottage. They broke into the cottage and took the prince while he was still sleeping. The old man stayed a moment longer. He murdered Azura's mother. Azura managed to get away and run to the kingdom's front gate. They wouldn't let her in, because they assumed she kidnapped the prince. So, after a lot of begging and pleading, Azura gave up on the ignorant guards and yelled at the top of her lungs "Curse you all!" She then ran away, never to be seen again. However, a few people have claimed to see her wandering the vast land of our kingdom, still thinking of a way to get her revenge.
I'm satisfied with this side plot, and it seems like I should leave it alone for now. If you see any spelling mistakes or typos, please, point them out. Also, if you have any suggestions for a character's back story, I'm all ears.